The Parochial Church Council of Winklebury and Worting (The PCC) has adopted the procedures set out within our safeguarding policy (summarised below and available on request) in line with guidance from the Church of England’s Promoting a Safer Church policy.
The PCC is committed to on-going training for all those who work with children, young people and vulnerable adults and will regularly review the policy and procedures.
Children & Young People
The PCC recognises the importance of its ministry with children and young people and its responsibility to protect and safeguard the welfare of all those entrusted to the church’s care or those participating in church activities.
As part of its mission, the Church is committed to:
- The safeguarding, care and nurture of children and young people within our church community and who participate in any activity of the church;
- Safe recruitment, supervision and training for all the children’s/youth workers within the church.
- Responding without delay to every report or cause for concern that a child or young person for whom it is responsible may be or may have been harmed in any way;
- Full cooperation with statutory agencies during any investigation into allegations concerning abuse of a child or young person in the church community;
- Providing informed pastoral care to any child, young person or adult who has suffered abuse;
- The management and supervision of any member of the church community known or thought to pose a threat to children or young people.
The PCC recognises the need to provide a safe and caring environment for children and young people. It also recognises that children and young people can be the victims of physical, sexual and emotional abuse, and neglect.
Vulnerable Adults
The PCC recognises the importance of its ministry with adults who may be vulnerable and its responsibility to protect and safeguard the welfare of all adults entrusted to the church’s care or participating in church activities.
As part of its mission, the Church is committed to:
- The safeguarding, care and nurture of all adults within our church community and who participate in any activity of the church;
- Safe recruitment, supervision and training for all those who minister with adults within the church.
- Responding without delay to every report or cause for concern that an adult may be or may have been harmed in any way;
- Full cooperation with statutory agencies during any investigation into allegations concerning abuse of any adult in the church community;
- Providing informed pastoral care to any adult who has experienced abuse;
- The management and supervision of any member of the church community known or thought to pose a risk of harm to adults who may be vulnerable.
The PCC recognises the need to provide a safe and caring environment for all adults. It also recognises that adults can be the victims of physical, psychological, sexual, and financial or material abuse, and neglect and acts of omission or discriminatory or institutional abuse.
Safeguarding Concern: Key Contacts
Safeguarding Coordinator: Wendy Moore
- 01256 359431
Rector: John Wigmore
- 01256 327305
- 07881 958959
The Diocesan Safeguarding Team
- 01962 737317 (during office hours)
- 0300 555 1373 (out of hours)