Puddleducks (Parents & Toddlers)
Puddleducks is our group on a Friday morning for parents/carers and children of pre-school age. We meet at the Church of the Good Shepherd from 9:15-10:45am. Your children will enjoy playtime, snacks and drinks (available to adults too!), a Bible story and song time. You are very welcome to join us! Contact Jamie Johnston for more information.
Grid (Years 6-13)
The Grid is the group for young people in school years 6 to 13. It meets every Thursday evening and every Sunday morning. See below to find out more.
Grid (Years 6-9)
Thursdays 7:00-8:30
Church of the Good Shepherd
Power Grid (Year 6)
Meets during the 10:30 service at the Good Shepherd
The name “The Grid” relates to a power grid with the idea that the message of the cross is the power of God to those who are being saved (1 Corinthians 1:18). As we learn more about Jesus, and try to follow him as we live our lives, we are seeing the power of God working in us.

Lighthouse (Sundays)
Lighthouse is our Sunday school for children aged up to 10 which meets during the morning service. Lighthouse runs only during the sermon and returns to the service for Communion (as appropriate).
It is named Lighthouse because in John Chapter 8 Jesus says, “I am the light of the world. The person who follows me will never live in darkness. He will have the light that gives life.” Each Sunday we look at the Bible to explore how we can follow Jesus and have the light that gives life.
Families @ 4
Every week, the Faith in Kids team produce two podcasts to help families open up the Bible together. We encourage everyone to check out the website so that your family can learn more about Jesus during the week!

Little Lambs Pre-school
Looking for Little Lambs pre-school? Visit our page.